Availability Calendar

14 Jun

Book Us Direct Online With Best Price Guaranteed

There are currently many websites where you can book our hotel room but there is also some confusion about the payment, the price and so on. Booking a room on our hotel’s official website can help to avoid this confusion and make sure you book on the right channel.

Providing adequate and neccessary information on its website, our hotel hopes to assist our guests with what is needed to plan what to do before, duringg and after their trip. Its booking engine for automatic transaction is powered by BookingButton of SieMinder with high security with friendly and easy-to-use interface to make booking process faster and with ease.

Payment transaction is secured and also can be verified so you can be strictly assured of highest level of online safety.

The most important when you book us direct is that you get the best price guaranteed and payment will be paid when you check in.

So it is now time to wisely consider where to book with comfort at


#SunriseCentralHotel #BookUsDirectOnline #BestPriceGuatanteed #BookWithEase #FriendlyInterface #HighSecurity #RightChannel.


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